

Tips when you lost your animal

Tips when you lost your animal

1. Be active!
Don't just sit at home and wait for your animal to get home! Look for local groups, communities, or even organizations that can help. By organizing search groups, they could comb through larger areas! Many dogs can travel long distances while fleeing, so don't just look in the streets next door!
2. Look around the shelters!
Visit the nearest shelters, rescues and larger organizations to see if your pet has come to them or have heard of their whereabouts! It is also worth visiting more distant shelters, as people who find your pet could take them to places kilometers away.
3. Share the information of your missing pet in different ways!
It is very important to publish the picture and description of the lost pet on social media, the internet has a huge power! However, it is also worth turning to traditional posting, even in neighbouring settlements, in case someone notices it!
4. Check the microchip registration!
It is possible that although your dog has a microchip, there is an error in the registered data and that's the reason you have not found each other yet. Visit your veterinarian with your pet's vaccination book and check the details to make sure they are correct!
5. Keep an eye on social media!!
Don't just trust your own posts to get results, but watch the pages and groups of the surrounding and larger animal rescue organizations and communities! It is possible that someone found your pet and posted a picture along with a description of the animal found looking for his/her owner!